Tampa Bay Criminal Attorney and Former State Prosecutor Melinda Morris of the Morris Law Firm discusses why the Florida Highway Patrol will increase traffic enforcement from March 30th through April 4th, 2012.
Florida Highway Patrol troopers will crackdown on aggressive vehicle drivers who engage in vehicle traffic violations that can result in a ticket or an arrest between March 30 and April 4, 2012. Some of the offenses the state troopers will look for include speeding, reckless driving, DUI, following too closely, unsafe lane changing and careless driving. In addition to the increased efforts on Florida's highways by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FDHSMV) also intends to utilize billboards and radio messages to increase safe driving awareness and of the greater risk of receiving a citation or arrest for a traffic violation during this period. According to the FHP, the purpose of the campaign is to reduce the number of commercial vehicle-related crashes and injuries and fatalities that arise from aggressive driving in Florida, in addition to raising awareness of safe driving behaviors among car and truck drivers.
Why This Matters To You:
It is very important to contact an experiencedtraffic crime defense lawyer in Pinellas Countyif you are arrested or charged with reckless driving, careless driving or aggressive driving throughout the Tampa Bay area in Florida between March 30 and April 4, 2012. A conviction for any traffic offense in St. Petersburg and the surrounding areas can lead to serious punishments and consequences depending on the facts surrounding your offense, including jail or prison time, fines, suspension of your driving privileges, a possible criminal record, increased insurance rates and/or requirements to complete a driving safety course. It is important to know you do not have to face a conviction if you are charged with a traffic offense in St. Petersburg. There may be defenses or mitigating factors available to the traffic crime allegations against you, including procedural or constitutional violations by FHP troopers or other law enforcement officers and/or insufficient evidence to prove you committed a traffic offense or violation. Additionally, the prosecution must first prove you committed every element of the criminal offense beyond a reasonable doubt. This can be a very difficult burden of proof to establish, and any doubt in the mind of the judge or jury can possibly result in a dismissal or reduction in the charges you are facing.
What To Do Next:
If you have been charged with a traffic-related offense in Tampa, contact aSt. Petersburg Criminal Defense Attorney to discuss possible defenses and specific strategies that may exist in your case. Call the Morris Law Firm at 727-388-4736 to discuss you case directly with an attorney, or fill out our Online Form to be contacted for a free initial consultation. The Morris Law Firm can help. Attorney Melinda Morris has specific knowledge and experience in representing alleged traffic crime offenders throughout Pinellas County the entire Tampa Bay, FL area, including St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Tampa, Hillsborough, Pasco, Manatee, Sarasota, Largo, Dunedin and Bradenton.
Tampa Bay Criminal Attorney and Former State Prosecutor Melinda Morris of the Morris Law Firm discusses how the Florida Highway Patrol will increase DUI enforcement over the March 17, 2012 St. Patrick’s Day holiday weekend.
The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) increased its patrol efforts during the week leading up to St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, 2012. The holiday is often associated with increased drinking and partying throughout the nation. The FHP’s crackdown was part of a national program known as, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, which is a nationwide multi-year advertising campaign sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation that aims to get drunk drivers off the road and involves increased law enforcement efforts in local communities including the Tampa Bay area of Florida. The Florida Highway looked for individuals who were driving under the influence (DUI) in Pinellas County during the week of March 10 -17, as well as individuals engaging in speeding or reckless driving, and drivers without their seat belt fastened. According to the FHP, 18,000 car crashes occurred throughout Florida in 2010 due to alcohol. These crashes resulted in nearly 800 deaths and over 12,000 injuries.
Why This Matters To You:
If you were pulled over for DUI, drinking and driving, reckless driving, or any other alcohol-related offense, such as DUI manslaughter, DUI with serious bodily injury, orDUI with property damage in St. Petersburg on St. Patrick’s Day, it is very important to contact an experienced local DUI defense attorney. You only have 10 days to request an administrative review hearing if your driver’s license was suspended because you refused to submit to a chemical blood or breath test or failed to pass a chemical alcohol test. Additionally, if you are convicted of a DUI offense in Florida, you can face serious penalties and repercussions, such as jail or prison time, fines, a driver’s license suspension, requirements to complete substance-abuse evaluation and treatment and/or a criminal record. With the above said, you may not have to face a conviction for your alleged DUI offense. There may be defenses or mitigating factors available in your defense, such as problems with the chemical alcohol test, law enforcement procedural violations, constitutional violations and/or insufficient evidence to prove your charges. Additionally, the state prosecutor must prove you committed every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. This can be a very difficult burden of proof to satisfy, and any doubt in the mind of the judge or jury can possibly result in a dismissal or reduction in the charges against you.
What To Do Next:
If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), or reckless driving offense in the Tampa Bay area, contact aSt. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer to discuss possible defenses and specific strategies that may exist in your case. Call the Morris Law Firm at 727-388-4736 for a free initial consultation on your case with an attorney. The Morris Law Firm can help. Attorney Melinda Morris has specific knowledge and experience in representing alleged drunk driving offenders throughout the entire Tampa Bay, Florida area (Pinellas County: St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Largo, Seminole; Hillsborough County: Tampa; Pasco, Manatee, Sarasota, and Bradenton counties).
St. Petersburg Criminal Attorney and Former State Prosecutor Melinda Morris of the Morris Law Firm introduces the Morris Law Firm’s new YouTube Channel and videos.
The Morris Law Firm has just relaunched the Morris Law Firm YouTube Channel that contains videos about the firm and our appearances on local news stations. The Channel will be updated to include informational videos on criminal law in the Tampa Bay Area.
Why This Matters To You:
We have just added videos that introduce the Morris Law Firm and our managing partner, Melinda Morris. Over the coming months we will launch additional informational videos that focus on criminal defense issues that face our potential clients and affect the local Tampa Bay area community.
What To Do Next:
Watch our videos on the Morris Law Firm YouTube Channel and subscribe to our channel to be alerted to all of our upcoming videos. If you have been charged with a crime in the Tampa Bay area, contact aSt. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer to discuss possible defenses and specific strategies that may exist in your case. Call the Morris Law Firm at 727-388-4736 to discuss your case directly with an attorney, or fill out ourOnline Form to be contacted for a free initial consultation. The Morris Law Firm can help. Attorney Melinda Morris has specific knowledge and experience in representing alleged criminal offenders throughoutPinellas County the entireTampa Bay, FLarea (St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Tampa, Hillsborough, Pasco, Manatee, Sarasota, Largo, Dunedin and Bradenton).
St. Petersburg Criminal Attorney and Former State Prosecutor Melinda Morris of the Morris Law Firm discusses how law enforcement is increasing enforcement on local burglary and theft crimes.
Florida law enforcement officials reported 22 residential burglaries have occurred in the past six months in various beachside communities in Florida. The burglars have been targeting homes that have sliding glass doors, and have been committing the burglaries during the day. In many of theburglary crimes, the sliding doors were left open by the homeowners. In other cases, the sliding doors were opened with a screwdriver or were lifted or pushed open.
Why This Matters To You:
With the increase in burglaries, Florida law enforcement officers are encouraging residents to put retention bars, channel locks or reverse locks on their sliding doors and make sure the doors are secure when they’re gone. They are also warning residents of the increased threat of burglary and have distributed fliers with burglary prevention tips. The increased crackdown on alleged burglary offenders will result in more arrests for burglary andtheft crimes. A conviction forburglary of an unoccupied residence in Florida is a felony of the third degree offense and can result in up to five years in prison. Additionally,burglary of an occupied home is punishable as a felony of the second degree and can result in a prison sentence up to 15 years. If a weapon was used during the burglary offense, the alleged offender could be charged with armed robbery, which is punishable as a felony of the first degree and can result in up to 30 years in prison. Convicted burglars may also be required to pay a fine, repay the victim for the stolen items and/or complete community service hours.
What To Do Next:
If you have been charged with a burglary or theft offense in the Tampa Bay area, contact aSt. Petersburg Criminal Defense Lawyer to discuss possible defenses and specific strategies that may exist in your case. Call the Morris Law Firm at 727-388-4736 to discuss your case directly with an attorney, or fill out ourOnline Form to be contacted for a free initial consultation. The Morris Law Firm can help. Attorney Melinda Morris has specific knowledge and experience in representing alleged burglary offenders throughoutPinellas County the entireTampa Bay, FLarea (St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Tampa, Hillsborough, Pasco, Manatee, Sarasota, Largo, Dunedin and Bradenton).